Two rocking chairs are installed on the floor facing each other.The audience sees no interactions between chairs. The interaction is triggered when two people from the audience sit in the chairs and rock.
Each chair has a sensor and motor.These devices enable mutual interaction between the chairs. They allow one to feel the other’s rocking action. The aim of “Remote Furniture,” then, is to create direct and tactile touch.
I arrived at the idea by first considering the meaning of talking. Secondly, I wondered what kind of environment supports it and what kind of rules are behind it. In “Remote Furniture,” two chairs facing each other represent the environment, and the type of interaction represents the rules of talking.
The two chairs have a tilt sensor and a linear motor, and are both connected to a PC running control software. When someone rocks one of the chairs, the tilt sensor detects the inclination and transmits the data to the other chair through the PC. The motor in the other chair then causes it to rock.
Usually this kind of remote object is designed with a Master-Slave (one-way) method. But in “Remote Furniture,” full duplex (two-way) interaction is realized because it feels more natural. It’s more like what we would imagine a telephone-like system to be like, which televises and exchanges tactile touch or motion of the body.
“Remote Furniture” was originally designed towards recent situation of public spaces around Tokyo and shown there. Following description is about why the artist created the artwork for the particular situation.
I have designed “Remote Furniture” to make unexpected encounters between passersby in public spaces. Unlike westerners, people in Japan doesn’t have a custom of talking to other passersby in public spaces such as plazas or main streets.
Although there are many public spaces in Japan, many of which are built in post-war style, we Japanese do not have a trandition of activity using these spaces. We are still trying to adopt traditional usage of space to those “imported” from other cultures. The spaces look the same but feel different from those in the western world.
The Japanese have a long tradition of forming communities based on small streets. So it looks to them that the new big public spaces some only commercial or transportation purposes and maybe some street performances but do nothing for the community. Perhaps Japanese people are too shy to come face to face with an unfamiliar person in a public space.
So it was interesting to see what happened when “Remote Furniture” was shown is some public spaces in Japan such as an underground passage or an indoor shopping mall. Because the object were chairs, passersby became curious about them and eventually started sitting, rocking and playing with them. And when these people realized what was going on between the chairs, they finally communicated with each other in funny and tactile ways.
More conservative means of communication such as talking and gesturing became more open to them because the chairs allowed them to face each other like they were used to, when they talked over a coffee table in a cafe or a kitchen table in their homes.
Some of the audience even tried to develop ways of playing through this means of communication. This artwork seemed to help remove people’s shyness in public spaces. Hopefully, this artwork can make the unseen potential of public spaces more visible and provide an experience of communicating to those people who have not experienced it before. I think this is the potential of public art.