We normally would not know about those who work and live behind Roppongi city to support its shininess. The…
The artist has created an conversational AI mimicking as if the AI is the personality of the station itself.…
The body of the artwork is the breath of people themselves. What I have done with artwork was magnification…
One night exhibition at a gallery nearby Yoyogi park. I interviewed the owner of the gallery and he said…
Light works along with rural train line. It is easy to find pitch black darkness during nights on this…
Though the local residents would not know, there are a lot of wind deers around the takaraga ike park…
NFT collection project for UNHCR donation towards ongoing crisis. 現在進行中の衝突のためのNFTコレクション。収益はUNHCRに寄付します。 https://opensea.io/collection/code-for-refugees
乗客が夜景の一部になれる航海。クルーズとイルミネーション作品を一体化させた体験型作品。 もし私たちがボートのような乗物と一体の(人間たち+マシン)になって横浜港の海へ乗り出したら、どんな出来事が起こるでしょうか?短い航海の間に私たちの身体信号とボートが波を切るスピードが一体となり、まるで港に住む大きな生物のように光りはじめます This is a voyage which you become a part of night scape through sensors and lights. Imagine…
(in Japanese) Public lecture regarding UX design principle for AR experience inspired from an traditional east asian landscape design…
離れて散らばって生きる私たちは、何をよりどころに繋がっていくのか? わたしたちは同じで違う。見ているものを通じて繋がってゆく。 現在開発大詰めです!2022年春ごろから楽しんでいただけます。遅くなり申し訳ない!