Category: Uncategorized

  • Breathing Clocktower 呼吸する時計塔

    Breathing Clocktower 呼吸する時計塔

    We normally would not know about those who work and live behind Roppongi city to support its shininess. The artist tries to connect those locals to the audience by biological information of individuals: this time data of their breathing. Tonight, the clocktower normally would not stand out from the shiny city nightscape does speak up:…

  • Talk to Nakaminato Station 那珂湊駅と話す

    Talk to Nakaminato Station 那珂湊駅と話す

    The artist has created an conversational AI mimicking as if the AI is the personality of the station itself. When an audience talks to the station’s AI, the station always responds with some humor and most importantly: change the lighting of the main platform. For example, when you ask it about the cat who lived…

  • Breathing Nakanojyo 呼吸する中之条

    Breathing Nakanojyo 呼吸する中之条

    The body of the artwork is the breath of people themselves. What I have done with artwork was magnification and translation of biological information. I captured the breath of local residents and artists of the biennale and translated it into animated light.Hence, the audience can feel someone’s breath via light. You may see part of…