Gesture control PC

“You can browse recipe site while you are at kitchen and hands are wet”

I was lead UX designer and made both UX concept, gestures and a bit of screen design.

Simple set of easy and memorable gestures would make your daily life efficient. For example, while cooking at the kitchen, present your ideas at a conference room. The first simple step is grabbing mouse pointer by closing your palm. We got over multiple difficulties till reach this point. Here I briefly explain what those were.

1)The project starts from a Tech requirement. Adding gesture control is not quite tech problem. But how it values our daily life is unknown. Then UX team is joined.

2)I and my team suggested around 10 ‘feasible’ user stories from past user researches. We also designed sets of gestures along with the situation where the story takes place.

3)After the product is released, we utilized those user stories we’ve suggested as scenario of AD campaign. It was a turning point of AD from tech centered appeal to story inspired appeal.







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