
How mobile phone works?
How we can imagine it works in urban space?
Explore the things which provide communication and we usually don’t know how.

Workshop of an attempt to trace lines of mobile phone network. We will try to find antennas for mobile phones in urban space.

But finding the antenna is not the goal. We will go beyond. Handmade animation will reveal imagination which is stimulated by finding the hidden system.

We will try to find antennas for mobile phones in urban space ,map it and make flip book like animation from photographs/videotapes which is taken by participants of workshop in urban space.

As a result, when we see the animation, we will feel virtual trip of urban space like “Electric wave ride” as if we were a radio wave from mobile phone to mobile phone.

The process of this workshop will make the audience aware of the hidden system (In fact, in this case, the hidden path of radio waves between mobile phone, antennas and another mobile phone which/where you are calling to) of communication in an urban setting.



